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Odoo for the food industry

The food industry has several specific characteristics and requirements that it must meet. In terms of traceability, the production process and the entire supply chain need to be monitored and maintained. Additionally, the production process in the food industry is often more complex compared to other manufacturing sectors, such as the manufacturing industry, and the shelf life and storage are of great importance.

Margin pressures

The food industry also faces significant margin pressures. Therefore, it is essential to continuously monitor and find ways to minimize costs, whether through better purchasing practices or more efficient production methods.

Odoo's ERP system provides the food industry with control over its processes at a fraction of the cost, offering an accessible and quickly implementable system.

Odoo for the food industry

Watch the video below to see what Odoo can do for food companies. In about 20 minutes, we will guide you through the sales, inventory, production, and delivery flow.


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